How Massage Therapy Can Help Alleviate the Symptoms and Costs Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Among all of the other treatments we offer, Mobile Massage Therapy of Kansas City can assist with the process of treating carpal tunnel syndrome. We're a mobile massage business that will come to your home, office, or place of business to offer you specialized massage therapy services to address all of your pain points. Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point, lymphatic drainage, and reiki energy healing are some of the techniques Michala and the Mobile Massage Kansas City team perform to address your various needs, including carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and arm. The condition occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm to the hand, becomes compressed. The median nerve controls the movement and sensation of the thumb and first three fingers.

The carpal tunnel is a medical condition caused by pressure on the median nerve. This pressure can result from repetitive motions, such as those often used in typing or hand sewing, or it can be caused by swelling or fluid retention.

What are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel?

The most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and wrist. The pain may sometimes radiate up the arm to the shoulder, but most often is felt in specifically the hands, wrists, and elbows. Other symptoms include weakness or a lack of grip strength. If you've been noticing any of these symptoms, you may be experiencing the carpal tunnel and need to seek treatment for it as soon as possible.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel?

A combination of factors causes carpal tunnel syndrome. These include:

● The repetitive motion of the wrist, which may occur in factory work or other jobs that require a lot of hand movement.

● Trauma or injury to the wrist, such as a fall or car accident.

● Bone fractures are breaks in the bone. They can be caused by various things, such as accidents, injuries, or diseases.

● Arthritis - a degenerative disease that affects the cartilage in the joints.

● Pregnancy, Diabetes, and more.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed through a physical examination and review of your medical history. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms when you experience them, then they will prescribe treatment options (including massage therapy). Imagine that!

How Does Massage Therapy Help Reduce the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel?

Massage therapy has been shown to help alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms, working as a holistic approach that helps to improve circulation and relieve tension in the muscles and connective tissues. Massage also helps to promote relaxation, which can be beneficial for those spending their days sitting at a desk, using computers and phones, and ultimately suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. The challenging part is that massage therapy becomes a time-consuming and inefficient treatment method for people who work every day and don't have the time to seek out a massage. There's where we come in.

How Mobile Massage Kansas City Can Alleviate Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Using Massage Therapy

If you are looking for a mobile massage therapist in the Kansas City area, look no further than Mobile Massage Kansas City. We'll use our proven massage therapy methods to get your carpal tunnel symptoms under control, all while you continue to go about your business throughout the day. Simply schedule an appointment, keep working, and we show up. Then, our team gets right to work on treating your pain points and focus areas. We understand the importance of receiving quality massage therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome so you can get back to the office with less pain and discomfort. That's why we offer a mobile massage service that drives to your home, business, or office and uses proven carpal tunnel massage techniques to help alleviate your carpal tunnel pain. We also offer various other massage + spa services that can provide similar relaxation and pain relief, so check out our available mobile massage menu options here.

Call Michala, our lead massage therapist, or one of our fantastic team members at Mobile Massage of Kansas City at 816-777-8652 to schedule an appointment if you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. We’re here to help!


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