Mobile Massage
Are you needing to relax your mind and just feel better? This classic massage is designed to reduce muscle tension and stress levels and includes a scalp, face, hand, and foot massage. The pressure is adjusted to be light to firm, depending on your preference. You will feel more relaxed, yet energized and invigorated afterward.
Swedish Massage
Deep Tissue Massage
Do you have muscular discomfort and tension, or are you recovering from an injury? If you're struggling with tension in your muscles, whether it's acute or chronic, this therapeutic approach can help guide your body and mind back to a state of ease. We use a combination of compressions, myofascial release, medical massage, Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point massage techniques, and massage tools to help alleviate your pain and make you feel so much better.
Pre-natal Massage
Designed to help relieve pain and discomfort experienced by expectant mothers. Various techniques are used to provide relief for the many changes that occur throughout pregnancy. The benefits of this massage are profound and include improved mood, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing, and circulation. Our mama-to-be massage can help to improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels. If you are pregnant and looking for a way to reduce your discomfort and promote relaxation, mama-to-be massage therapy may be just what you need.
*Please provide your own pregnancy pillows*.